Innovation in the Public Sector

Capacity Building Based on Agenda 2030

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A female lecturer and a male lecturer speaking together in front of a class.
May 28, 2024 | innovationpublicsector

Transformative Leadership: A New Approach to Global Challenges

In the face of accelerating urbanization, tightening carbon emission constraints, and increasing extreme weather events, addressing global challenges requires a paradigm shift in governance. …
  • Innovation in Governance for Urban Nature-based Solutions_23/24
People in discussion during the midterm workshop
February 29, 2024 | innovationpublicsector

Mentor visits and midterm workshop in Indonesia

As part of the ongoing ‘Co-design for Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Public Spaces and Services’ (CIPSS) capacity-building programme, the CIPSS programme coordinator Johanna Alkan …
  • Co-design for Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Public Spaces and Services_23/24
A woman presenting her group's change project
November 6, 2023 | innovationpublicsector

Summaries of all change projects within CIPSS and NBS are now presented on the blog

Our experience has demonstrated the immense value of integrating theoretical and practical knowledge through real-world applications. Recurring in our Public Sector Innovation Programmes is …
  • Co-design for Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Public Spaces and Services_22/23
  • Innovation in Governance for Urban Nature-based Solutions_22/23
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The participants and teacher Matthew Scott together with the Kampala Mayor.
September 7, 2023 | innovationpublicsector

Supporting African Cities in Addressing Climate-related Displacement

In a spirit of collaboration and commitment, Lund University's programme 'Human Rights and Gender Equality in Climate and Disaster Displacement' has reached its culmination. …
  • Human Rights and Gender Equality in Climate and Disaster Displacement_22/23
Bernadett Kiss lecturing in a small urban forest.
August 18, 2023 | innovationpublicsector

Inspirational films to showcase NBS in practice

As part of the capacity development programme “Innovation in Governance for Urban Nature-based Solutions”, short educational films have been produced to showcase how the …
  • Innovation in Governance for Urban Nature-based Solutions_22/23
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