Innovation in the Public Sector

Capacity Building Based on Agenda 2030

Transformative Leadership: A New Approach to Global Challenges

A female lecturer and a male lecturer speaking together in front of a class.
Bernadett Kiss and Björn Wickenberg, lecturers in the programme “Innovation in Governance for Urban Nature-based Solutions”. Photo: Johan Persson.

In the face of accelerating urbanization, tightening carbon emission constraints, and increasing extreme weather events, addressing global challenges requires a paradigm shift in governance. The complexity and uncertainty of these issues call for collective action, ongoing dialogue, and collaboration among all stakeholders to find the best possible solutions. The professional training ‘Innovation in Governance for Urban Nature-based Solutions’ from Lund University aims to enhance the capacity of individuals and organizations to innovate and adapt.

The programme specifically targets professionals in public administrations in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, focusing on Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) innovations to meet future challenges embodied by the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Strengthening participants’ transformative leadership skills for innovation and sustainable urban governance in these regions is at the core of the programme.

“We aspire to gradually invite every part of their organizations to engage in shaping their future through their attitude, behaviour, and leadership,” says Bernadett Kiss, lecturer and research associate at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University.

Emphasizes shared responsibility and accountability

Transformative leadership is a relational process that builds up leadership skills within and between individuals and organizations to form a community of change-makers who collaboratively address complex sustainability challenges. It requires transparent communication, trust-building, alignment of interests and accountability, and a shared learning experience. As Bernadett Kiss concludes, “Our goal is to create a community of leaders who are equipped to address the pressing issues of our time with innovation, resilience, and a commitment to sustainable change.”

Within the transformative leadership modules of the programme, participants work together in diverse groups to design common visions and work toward negotiated and shared goals. The process emphasizes shared responsibility and accountability, with the commitment to do everything to achieve the vision.

“Transformative leadership involves not only jointly working toward a vision but also the commitment to do everything to achieve that vision. It only works if everybody is authentically engaged and takes responsibility for their respective role,” Bernadett Kiss notes.

Female lecturer speaks in front of a class.
“Transformative leadership is a collective and participatory approach. It focuses on identifying the needed change, creating a narrative to guide the change, and inspiring collective, creative, and committed action to execute the desired change”, explains lecturer Bernadett Kiss. Photo: Johan Persson.

Empowering participants to challenge existing structures and views

The programme’s workshops are practice-oriented, enriched with role-playing and simulations, and grounded in the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), as well as the work of esteemed researchers on transformational leadership.

“We conclude our workshops with reflection sessions, where we often hear feedback from participants that this is how the world should be, even though it’s not their current reality. Bridging the gap between course and reality involves transformative skill-building, empowering participants to challenge existing structures and views, stand up for their values, and take decisive actions,” Bernadett Kiss adds.

“Sustainable change is hard to achieve without the unique and diverse skills of each individual in their teams,” says Björn Wickenberg, another lecturer in the programme, also researcher at IIIEE, Lund University. “Individuals must challenge and transform their ways of being and thinking, relating and collaborating, as well as acting and leading.”

Male lecturer writes on a whiteboard.
“The overall goal of transformative leadership within an organization is to develop teams that are intrinsically motivated to collaborate toward a sustainable transformation for the benefit of all stakeholders,” Björn Wickenberg emphasizes. Photo: Johan Persson.

Goal to inspire motivation and commitment among stakeholders

The process of transformation involves a shift in mindset, behaviour, systems, and culture to create sustainable outcomes that align with the evolving needs and aspirations of individuals, organizations, and communities. It requires a new type of leadership that can articulate a compelling vision for the future, inspire motivation and commitment among stakeholders, and navigate through uncertainty and resistance.

“Transformative leadership delves into underlying beliefs, values, and norms to effect lasting change. It’s about being open to experimenting and learning, and continuously improving, and having the courage to confront obstacles and setbacks along the way,” Björn Wickenberg explains.

Films where participants reflect on transformative leadership and their own role in the future

About the programme

“Innovation in Governance for Urban Nature-based solutions” is coordinated by IIIEE in collaboration with guest teachers from various departments at Lund University and in partnership with international organizations. It is delivered with the support of LUCE, the department at Lund University focusing on professional development and capacity development programmes.

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