Restoration of Nork Park in Yerevan
Names of participants: Diana Yeritspokhyants
Country, City: Armenia, Yerevan
According to the Nork-Marash community zoning plan, the northern part of the Nork forest-park is to be allocated for construction and only the southern part of the forest is planned to be preserved as a forest. This project therefore suggested that the ministry of environment, with the close collaboration of the National Academy of Science of Armenia and engineering agencies, together design an irrigation system project and choose tree species for future planting. The project proposed selecting tree species according to Yerevan climate conditions, forest location and exposition.
Green Heritage Model for Uman Development
Names of participants: Vadym Tsymbal
Country, City: Ukraine, Uman
Uman retains cultural layers of different epochs in an endogenous medium of a middle-sized town furnished with a crumbling post-soviet infrastructure. This project therefore aimed to suggest some broad pathways of the administration’s mode of leadership, namely: consideration (or concern for the welfare of inhabitants); initiating structure (concern for the accomplishment of goals); development-oriented behavior (concern for experimentation, innovation and organizational change).
Challenged Resource: Yerevan City Green Space
Names of participants: Karine Taslakyan
Country, City: Armenia, Yerevan
This projects aim was for the citizens of Yerevan to have easy access to extensive green areas high in biodiversity and populated with local species of fauna and flora, environmentally connected with further large forest areas within the wider surroundings of the city. Retrofitting multi-story apartment buildings with green roofs, solar panels, and other innovations for energy efficiency and water retention were proposed in order to deliver a substantial improvement to quality of life of city residents.
Wildlife Park for Eco-tourism
Names of participants: Roman Pomazan
Country, City: Ukraine, Kiev
The problem faced was that the Horbachykha ecosite in Kiev was under the threat of devastation by encircling construction. Therefore, this project proposed a wildlife park, which would act as a selling point for eco-tourism and research and development within NBS.
Batumi Green Corridor Concept
Names of participants: Etuna Lomadze
Country, City: Georgia, Batumi
In order to mitigate negative effects of the absence of green spaces, as well as to demonstrate multiple positive results, the city of Batumi has significant opportunity to implement an NBS demonstration project. The overall objective of this demonstration project was to introduce new approaches and knowledge by showing that if these are replicated, it can help transform Batumi into a green and inclusive city that attracts residents and visitors.
Roadmaps for Removing the Barriers and Fostering the Drivers of Nature-Based Solutions Implementation within SCEAP
Names of participants: Oksana Kysil
Country, City: Ukraine
Nature-based solutions are an important issue for achievement of the Paris agreement goals. Some recommended measures that this project proposed was to include the definition of NBS in relevant national legislation, to include NBS sections in regional and sectoral policies with sector-specific and region-specific policies, and to identify relevant scientific and research institutions or establish new institutions with the mandate to conduct NBS related activities and research on national, regional, and municipal levels.
Challenged Resource: Urban Green Space Distribution and Accessibility
Names of participants: Tamar Kvantalian
Country, City: Georgia, Tbilisi
Tbilisi has seen many of its green spaces disappearing over the past decades, not only parks but the green areas that were integrated within the road corridors and pedestrian walkways. As the baseline for the greening component is already reflected in most of the strategic documents of the city, this project aims to illustrate how nature-based solutions could help solve existing problems. An essential component here is to include public and all relevant stakeholders at an early stage of the project.
From Management of Green Zones to the Green City
Names of participants: Mykola Kostrytsya
Country, City: Zhytomyr, Ukraine
A common problem for Ukrainian cities is that the city’s targeted programs for landscaping, development and conservation of greenery do not take into account issues of adaptation to climate change and relevant nature-oriented solutions. Therefore, it is important that the population knows more about sustainable drainage systems, vertical and roof landscaping opportunities and participates in them, which this project aimed to achieve. One of the ways was through the bottom-up initiatives on treating the trees in the city and by planting new trees with the involvement of citizens.
Saving Green Belts in Donetsk oblast of Ukraine by Fighting Energy Poverty & Community Building
Names of participants: Olena Korchak
Country, City: Ukraine, Donetsk oblast
Deforestation of Green Belts inside and around the cities in Donetsk oblast in general has to do with energy poverty and a lack of awareness. This project’s goal was to tackle energy poverty by encouraging the Municipality of Donetsk oblast to develop a local program for those in the community who need special access to “affordable & cheap” fuel supply and/or energy efficiency.
Challenged Resource: Former Hippodrome Park in the Center of Tbilisi
Names of participants: Tamar Jangulashvili
Country, City: Georgia, Tbilisi
Former Hippodrome park is the oldest place in the center of Tbilisi (Georgia) where citizens relax, do sport activities and have fun with family members. The park was sold several times in 10 years with the purpose to build blocks of flats there but because of the strict opposition of the citizens and locals residing around the park the project was cancelled. This project had the aim to make recommendations in order to continue constructive dialogue among key stakeholders and resume the consultations to find mutual benefit in this process.
Disappearing Green Zones in Yerevan: Green Urban Solutions
Names of participants: Nune G. Harutyunyan
Country, City: Armenia, Yerevan
Due to the lack of green spaces in Yerevan, citizens are suffering from the loss of biodiversity and parks due to the rapid growth of urban construction. This project studied possibilities to integrate urban development with sustainable urban and nature based solutions, linking green policies, ecosystems services, smart solutions and good governance principles on a practical basis for the city of Yerevan.
Public-Private Partnership for Lake Yasamal
Names of participants: Nargiz Guliyeva
Country, City: Azerbaijan, Yasamal
This project’s vision was to transform the area around Lake Yasamal into an inclusive recreational park for residents. The objectives were to ensure a cost-effective, positive return on investment for involved stakeholders; to strengthen the commitment to preserve the lake; to establish a sustainable recreational area; and to restore the degraded ecosystem. The project vision was proposed to be achieved by cleaning the area so that it can be used by the citizens, creating better access for disabled people, installing recreational facilities, building playgrounds, and removing of waste.
Rivne Green Trail
Names of participants: Serhiy Gemberg, Andriy Martynyuk, Tetyana Simchuk
Country, City: Ukraine, Rivne
The city of Rivne needs green areas, alternative transport infrastructure, and sites that would attract investment and domestic tourists. The “Rivne Green Trail” project suggested how to solve these issues by creating a form of “green arteries” joining all neighbourhoods in the city. In this context, the project team wanted to develop pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, renovate the existing parks, modernise the children railway and possibly use it as a part of municipal public transport.
Revitalization of the Diohtianets Small River
Names of participants: Mariia Druzhynina
Country, City: Ukraine, Vinnytsia
Small rivers and streams don’t exist on the residents’ mental map as a value. Using small rivers and streams as a blue-green network sustainably integrated into urban life is a new approach for the whole post-soviet world context. The proposed measures of this project consist of measures aimed at regularly maintaining the good condition of water bodies, including control of illegal discharges into reservoirs and revitalization of small rivers and reservoirs through the creation of public and natural spaces.
Caring for Trees in Zjytomyr
Names of participants: Maria Baida
Country, City: Ukraine, Zjytomyr
The intervention that this project proposed was to work with the city administration in the role of a project coordinator and elaborate a policy document to improve the situation with treating trees and greening territories as a nature-based solution. The main goal of the project was that the trees in the city were well taken care of, new trees were planted, and green corridors were created and maintained.