Connect to Life
Names of participants: Mehmet Aktaş, Ayşe Nur Topal Aydın, Sevda Pamay, Ayşe Atalay and Mualla Bolelli
Country, City: Türkiye, Sultanbeyli (İstanbul)
This project will be implemented in Sultanbeyli, in the Sultan Grove Park area. The project aim is to raise awareness among the citizens and managers in order to produce alternative energy sources against the ever-increasing energy need in Türkiye, to contribute to the priority and weight given to new and renewable energy sources, and to carry the climate studies carried out at the research and development level in the country’s institution. The main scope of the project is to establish a pedal sports unit in a park area with the aim of raising awareness of clean energy.
Strengthening the Capacity of Municipalities for Low-Emission and Climate-Resilient Cities
Names of participants: Ali Kemal Çınar, Arzu Külahcioğlu Altintoz, Canan Madran, Candaş Balta and Filiz Basmaci
Country, City: Türkiye, in following cities: Çiğli (izmir), Kemalpaşa (İzmir), İzmir, Seferihisar (İzmir) and Buca (İzmir)
This projects aim was to increase the awareness and motivation of the mayors, vice mayors and unit managers on sustainable development goals and to encourage the preparation of climate action plans in municipalities. Some outcomes were meetings amongst the mayors of four municipalities, the establishment of Department of Climate Change in municipalities as well as an awareness workshop for managers & experts of four district municipalities.
Challenges that the participants faced consisted of organizing a meeting in a common time/place for mayors/managers, resistance against change and bureaucracy in municipalities, difficulties in establishing networks & collaboration between municipalities/institutions, difficulties in finding healthy and up-to-date data, as well as heavy workloads within the project team.
Izmir Embraces Young People: The Right to Housing for All
Names of participants: Bahar Erkul Konuk, Burcin Coltu, Cigdem Önsal, Gülizar Gacar and Itir Bagdadi
Country, City: Türkiye, İzmir
In this project, the team wanted to address the housing problem of university students who could not find accommodation due to the escalation of the economic crisis in our country, the insufficient capacity of the dormitories, and the high fees for existing houses and dormitories, with a rights-based approach. The project goal was to initiate focus group meetings, to learn young people about the right to housing with a participatory approach, and to bring together and report the suggestions that can offer a solution to the housing problem with the contribution of university students. Furthermore the project wanted to inform about the relevant units within the municipality, and to evaluate the requests from young people for the dormitory planned to be built by the municipality.
Improved Public Space for Girls
Names of participants: Başak İncekara, Dzheylan Karaulan, Elif Koklu, İlker Çoban and Sarp Susüzer
Country, City: Türkiye, Istanbul
The initial idea of this change project was to provide inclusive play and recreation experiences in public spaces. The project focused on the intervening of public spaces with the goal of increasing public awareness on gender equity as well as decreasing vandalistic approach and implicated prejudices and stereotypes in the public space. The target group for the project was various disadvantageous groups such as young and teenage girls, pregnant women, infants, elderly people, alongside people who are affected by vandalism.
Greener City for a Better Life
Names of participants: Farah Sadek, Fouad Harmoush, Hadil Chazbek and Yasmine Fatayri
Country, City: Lebanon, Baqaata
This change project aimed to increase the inclusion of vulnerable groups and enhance the sense of belonging to this street. The target groups include all elements of society, but especially women, children, and people with disabilities. The project outcome is the restoration of the social tissue in this area through creating a safe public space for all. Some challenges had to do with financing the project, and a lack of interaction between all groups in society. In the future the project group aims to organize workshops to explain the importance of green and public spaces, implement prototypes to see the reaction towards the project, and find donors that can help them realize the project.
Common Space Safe for All
Names of participants: Mona Aridi, Reem Aridi, Wafaa Aridi and Talal Malaeb
Country, City: Lebanon, Alay
This change project focuses on providing a common space in and out area through an electronic library designed with all facilities that serve vulnerable groups, and equally equipped with solar system and network that provides electricity and internet. This offers students, teachers, researchers, and employees free services for their work which are basic needs in absence of the government duty towards citizens and refugees to provide permanent solar energy. The importance of this project lays in making a huge change by providing a secure common space with lasting free solar energy.
Designing Integrated Inclusive Public Service Facility in Yogyakarta City
Names of participants: Agus Salim, Bandoro Budi Nugroho, Eni Kusrini, Fatum Ade and Sugeng Subono
Country, City: Indonesia, Yogyakarta
Only some of the various public service facilities in Yogyakarta are already inclusive and accessible. Education, health, social welfare, workforce, and some other public services are provided but need to be improved. Therefore, a growing aspiration from citizens and some city council members has emerged, followed by a set of discussion led to the need of integrated types of facilities to ensure the comprehensive coverage of services.
Lessons learned from the change project include that some stakeholders have very important roles but are difficult to involve in the designing process. Therefore, the Yogyakarta team needs to finish designing, then the result to be presented to the stakeholders.
Senior Citizens Friendly Village
Names of participants: Dina Sianosari, Melvin P Hutabarat, Soni Pratomo and Triyaningsih Triyaningsih
Country, City: Indonesia, Jambi
The problem that this change project wanted to solve was the absence or lack of a pleasant, safe and comfortable residential area that made it easy for the elderly to do activities. This was especially relevant considering that Jambi in the near future is going to age in population. Some challenges have been a lack of community involvement, lack of interest from politicians and head of key organizations, difficulties from stakeholders to join the project and a lack of resources. The next project steps include the effort to oversee the project to authorized parties and collaboration on project implementation with stakeholders.
Riverbank for Public Space
Names of participants: Aisyah Ardani, Imaning Tyas Fitri, Muhammad Mahson, Qomarudin and Shabrina Tamimi
Country, City: Indonesia, Bintang
This change project is about co-design of Api-Api Inclusive River Front Open Space which aims to design a feasible master plan for open space that accommodates the needs of various users. The targeted groups are from various background in the community including fishmongers, children, youth, people with disabilities, and elderlies. The outcome obtained during the change project is that community members are more aware of the importance of open space and to a higher degree participate in planning processes. The main challenges encountered include waste management, fish market arrangement, and budget limitation. Therefore, the next step for this change project is to establish a waste management group and develop its capacity, build a semipermanent stall for fish mongers, and bring this project idea to higher levels of government for future sponsors and collaborations.