Participatory needs assessment for people with disabilities
Names of participants: Eda Albayrak, Ahmet Çörekçioğlu and Bihter Dazkır Erdendoğdu
Country, City: Türkiye, Zeytinburnu (Istanbul)
People with disabilities have difficulty accessing municipal services related to personal development and treatment because of high density of socioeconomically disadvantageous households in Zeytinburnu. This change project aimed to increase the channels of participation for the people with disabilities to express the difficulties they experience in their daily lives and their needs in accessing public spaces and municipal services. The target group was people with disabilities and their families. The problems, needs and proposals for solutions provided by the target group themselves were reported and submitted to municipal management in order to be integrated in the future design of municipal services.
Change for Women: Training Programme
Names of participants: Edibe Salih, Nida Gamsız, Başak Kaya and Alev Karimi
Country, City: Türkiye, Mersin
Within the scope of the Local Equality Action Plan Mersin Municipality, this change project aimed at empowering disadvantaged women by raising awareness on gender equality, violence against women, antidiscrimination and improving gender equality perspective to be integrated into local services. The change project aimed to develop a training programme-toolkit in order to raise awareness of women and other groups who have been subjected to discrimination. The training programme will include gender equality topics, vocational training as well as personal development and life skills which would contribute to the empowerment of women and eliminating gender inequality in society. In the training toolkit, awareness raising trainings will be held targeting municipal employees in order to provide equal and rights-based services to vulnerable groups and individuals with special needs.
Child Friendly Tourism in Gaziantep
Names of participants: Ayşe Ertürk, Hasan Emre Bitgin, Demet Mercan and Pelin Okkıran
Country, City: Türkiye, Gaziantep
When it comes to children and their engagement in the design of public spaces or touristic spaces, there is almost no communication with them in the decision-making processes. In many cases, decision makers don’t have the opportunity to be informed and exposed to the opinions of children. Gaziantep aims to plan to co-design the services provided in the Gaziantep Castle from the perspective of children. Therefore, this change project wanted to both reflect the importance of the Castle of Gaziantep in the transmission of local identity and uniqueness to its visitors (tourists and residents), and to analyze the impact of the promotion and preservation of this monument on the resident children in this city. As a result of the research carried out with the technical team, including parents, it was decided that a change should be made in the working place to provide a physically safer area for children.
Children Handling the Earth
Names of participants: Ebru Başak Kipay and Gözde Baytürk
Country, City: Türkiye, Altındağ (Ankara)
The children raised in metropolitan cities are almost detached from the soil and agricultural production processes and they get surprised seeing for example apples on trees and not on shelves. The main goal of this project was to raise awareness among children regarding nature, agricultural production and soil by teaching and applying urban gardening in kindergarten. The target group was the children of the Municipality’s kindergarten and the aim was for them to learn how to plant and care for the crops they planted, learn to be patient and for them to learn about the importance of environmental protection and sustainability. The main challenges were related to nature and weather conditions.
Structuring The Old Town of Kesawan Area Medan City (Strategic Inclusive of Kesawan Square)
Names of participants: Tondi Nasha Yusuf Nasution, Sri Rezeky, Trisilia Pohan, Benny Iskandar and Herika Indriani Ginting
Country, City: Indonesia, Medan
This change project was part of a bigger project of revitalization an old town area in Medan called Kesawan. The change project aimed to make the planning process more strategically inclusive. The targeted groups were those working on the bigger project and the challenges for them were mostly related to the positioning of their CIPSS project within the bigger project of infrastructure revitalization which focused more on tourism and economic objectives, as opposed to being inclusive.
Child Friendly Kampong
Names of participants: Anggun Trisnanto Hari Susilo, Arief Setiawan, Willstar Taripar Hatoguan and Nurul Sri Hardiyanti
Country, City: Indonesia, Malang
This change project was part of urban planning and focused on economic development since economic development tends to marginalize children’s rights to grow and develop properly, particularly in terms of the lack of available public spaces for them to play in. One of the villages, Purwantoro, is a child friendly kampong (village). The change project wanted to replicate this to other kampongs. The target groups were community leaders and the city government, as well as universities, mass media, and NGOs. The faced challenges had to do with the level of commitment including the budget and the project design, community participation, awareness, and other management aspects.
Building Behavior of Waste-sorting On Local Coastal Villagers
Names of participants: Happy Joy P. W. Siregar and Esther Mahar
Country, City: Indonesia, Lampung 2
The problem that this change project aimed to face is the slum condition in a fishermen village. This was intended to be addressed by developing potential through waste-sorting activities which were then followed by productive activities. The targeted groups were villagers, local community-based institutions and local government institutions or services. Some of the challenges include the absence of local regulation on waste sorting, limited knowledge, limited equipment’s, low support from the leaders and limited awareness.
Inclusiveness Development Acceleration Plan
Names of participants: Meiliyana, Fitrianita Damhuri Eka and Yuslita Dewi
Country, City: Indonesia, Lampung 1
The Cultural and Sports Center in Way Halim is a strategic public space, environmentally and socially. However, it does not offer adequate facilities to ensure accessibility for women, children, elderly, and disabled. The aim of this change project was to change this mindset and ensure a more inclusive management through collaboration. The target groups were local government, the private sector, and the community. The challenges were mostly related to the lack of facilities and commitment of the local government.